2019.0927 19:33-19:35 London Time
What is GRID? グリッドって?
This is clearing GRIDS map of the world I’ve set.
If you have chance to visit, feel the vibration with attention.
This is 3rd time British Museum post from these:
I visited again for checking the condition after clearing since last year and tried my best to take the same angle pics.
I set only "1 year later pics(2019)" in extra large size for making it easier to check but you can see all pics in same size with click or tap.
Seeing facade,
No1 is super dense and darkest haunted museum of "before clearing" condition,
No4-5 are immaculate hyper clear white museum of "1 year later after clearing " condition.
Moreover I set energy of star SPICA of constellation Virgo.
Star's energy is too subtle and that vanished physical feeling from museum.
I felt it got pretty easier to walk and breathe inside of the museum.
No one will no longer feel ill in British Museum onward❤️
I could browse Dr.Dee Disc that was hired out to Oxford museum 1 year ago.
My dearest UK and London is getting much more lovely even more.
Love these❣️
I set only "1 year later pics(2019)" in extra large size for making it easier to check but you can see all pics in same size with click or tap.
Seeing facade,
No1 is super dense and darkest haunted museum of "before clearing" condition,
No4-5 are immaculate hyper clear white museum of "1 year later after clearing " condition.
Moreover I set energy of star SPICA of constellation Virgo.
Star's energy is too subtle and that vanished physical feeling from museum.
I felt it got pretty easier to walk and breathe inside of the museum.
No one will no longer feel ill in British Museum onward❤️
I could browse Dr.Dee Disc that was hired out to Oxford museum 1 year ago.
My dearest UK and London is getting much more lovely even more.
Love these❣️
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🌟Other cleared area posts🌟
the facade 正面
No1 9/21 before clearing panorama 浄化前パノラマ
No2 9/21 after clearing panorama 浄化後パノラマ
No3 9/21 after clearing and being connected with other clearing grids panorama 浄化後さらに他の場所にかけた結界と連結後パノラマ
No4 1year later 1年後
No5 1year later and added star SPICE of Virgo's energy on clearing GRID 1年後,乙女座の恒星スピカのエネルギーを浄化GRIDに追加
the ceiling 天井
No5 1year later and added star SPICE of Virgo's energy on clearing GRID 1年後,乙女座の恒星スピカのエネルギーを浄化GRIDに追加
the ceiling 天井
No6 before clearing, on 13th Sep 浄化前9/13
No7 after clearing, on 21th Sep 浄化後9/21
No8 1 week later after clearing, on 28th Sep 浄化から1週間後の9/28
No9 1year later and added star SPICE of Virgo's energy on clearing GRID 1年後,乙女座の恒星スピカのエネルギーを浄化GRIDに追加
front face of Bastet バステト女神正面
No10 before clearing, on 13th Sep 浄化前9/13
No11 1 week later after clearing, on 28th Sep 浄化後9/28
No12 1year later and added star SPICE of Virgo's energy on clearing GRID 1年後,乙女座の恒星スピカのエネルギーを浄化GRIDに追加
oblique of Bastet バステト女神斜め
No13 before clearing on 13th Sep 浄化前9/13
No14 1 week later after clearing, on 28th Sep 浄化後9/28
No15 1year later and added star SPICE of Virgo's energy on clearing GRID 1年後,乙女座の恒星スピカのエネルギーを浄化GRIDに追加
Dr.Dee Discジョン・ディーの円盤
No16 before clearing, on 13th Sep 浄化前9/13
No17 week later after clearing on 28th Sep 浄化から1週間後9/28
No18 week later after clearing on 28th Sep 浄化から1週間後9/28
No19-21 1year later and added star SPICE of Virgo's energy on clearing GRID 1年後,乙女座の恒星スピカのエネルギーを浄化GRIDに追加
the facade 正面

the ceiling 天井
oblique of Bastet バステト女神斜め
Dr.Dee Discジョン・ディーの円盤
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