Hi dear my sparkles,
I’m deeply honored to share this.
I feel water prayer is much more needed than before.
I’m offering clear air and moist lush green forests harmonized with rich ecosystem images crystal grid for prayer to Australia.
Let’s pray together and send ecosystem harmony.
Crystal grid enhances and amplifies images set on.
If you sympathize with this action, please watch this pic and imagine clear air and moist lush green forests harmonized with rich ecosystem of Australia.
The image will be sent and permeated to Australia and create new reality of it.
If you share this post, much more people can receive this experience.
I appreciate our co-creation of empowerment.
I’m offering clear air and moist lush green forests harmonized with rich ecosystem images crystal grid for prayer to Australia.
Let’s pray together and send ecosystem harmony.
Crystal grid enhances and amplifies images set on.
If you sympathize with this action, please watch this pic and imagine clear air and moist lush green forests harmonized with rich ecosystem of Australia.
The image will be sent and permeated to Australia and create new reality of it.
If you share this post, much more people can receive this experience.
I appreciate our co-creation of empowerment.
Crystal Grid with Star Elixir : MIAPLACIDUS of Carina , FOMALHAUT of Pisces Autrinus
使用恒星エリクサー: 竜骨座ミラプラキドゥス、南の魚座フォーマルハウト
使用恒星エリクサー: 竜骨座ミラプラキドゥス、南の魚座フォーマルハウト
#grid #共同創造 #crystalgrid #crystal #love #harmony #harmonicecosystem #オーストラリア #Australia #クリスタルグリッド #waterprayer #cocreation #祈り #祈り合わせ #prayer #fulloflives #感謝 #appreciation #雨 #rain #water #forest #水 #wateroflife #生態系 #ecosystem #豊かな生態系 #richecosystem #moisture #forestsproducewater #lushgreenforests
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