
Souma station 相馬駅

2019.0321 16:53-17:04 Tokyo Time...

I've set a circle of 100km radius clearing grid on Souma station for making the vibration higher.
This is the last point of this clearing work.
The sun passing through the Vernal Equinoctial point and the length of the day and night becoming same, Yin and Yan are neutralized day.
This is big turning point, huge amount of universal energy flow into the earth through this slit.
Whether we notice or not, we are connected in tremendous stream, and this energetic impact affects all being on the earth.
This time's work is to use the energy with intension.
There are dragons and other invisible beings flying in the sky.
The clearing work started from Iwaki city to Souma city running through Fukushima prefecture along the seaside.
Brilliant light like honey fills the space.

In my third eye,
At No1, 3 GRIDS' energies which I 've set today reach here and pink tender light fills the space
At No2, the light filling the space turned into pure blue and gold 
At No3, the light turned into strong gold with slight blue and green
At No4, several colors mixed and brilliant on the glittering white like opal

I'm ovseving clearing GRIDS around regularly, so, for readers of this blog, please mail me your feeling with your observation.
Here is my clearing GRIDS map, you can trace all.
The blue green marks are circles of 10 km radius, the purple marks are circles of 100 km radius, the red marks are circle of 1000 km radius.


No1 3箇所のGRIDのエネルギーがこちらにも届いてピンクの柔らかな光が空間を満たしています
No2 いったん空間を満たす光が青と金の色の爽やかなものに変化しました
No3 青と緑が少し混ざった濃い金の力強い光になりました
No4 きらめく白にオパールのようにいろんな色がちらちらと混ざって輝いています


No1 before clearing 浄化結界設置前
No2 after clearing 浄化結界設置後
No3 after clearing, being connected with other clearing grids 浄化結界設置後、他の結界と連結後
No4 after No3, connecting the GRID with Spica, the Virgo's fixed star 画像3のあとに乙女座の恒星スピカと結界を連結
No5 a dragon face in profile? 龍の横顔?
No6 a large amount of dragons? たくさんの龍?

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Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant 福島第1原子力発電所

2019.0321 15:55-16:05 Tokyo Time...

I've set a circle of 100km radius clearing grid on Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant for making the vibration higher.
After arriving Tomioka station, I've set an invisible healing device(GRID) on Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Plant, departed to Haranomachi station next, the railroad is discontinued and haven't restarted yet, so passengers needs a bus which comes 3hours later.
Fortunately I found fellow passengers who couldn't stand waiting the next bus for 3 hours, and 3 of us called the taxi and departed to Haranomachi station together.
The situation is certainly under influence of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, but the driver and the fellows are so pleasant and lovely, never let me feel any dismal nor shady mood.
The taxi window shows decontamination car digging and gathering the soil's surface.
 Arriving the destination, being ravished with the beautiful iridescent clouds and sun, and set the consciousness focus on Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
It's also the same condition as Daini Nuclear Power Plant, prohibited to come closer for there public, so I gently healed this remotely with full of love.
On this Vernal Equinox Day, I was called by this land with full of joy to this miracle.
The delight from the bottom of the heart to express the heaven's blessings.
 I certainly expect the physical change  to be caused in this reality with this GRID work, and if it were caused, that makes me so happy.
But for now, just letting go any expectation, here I simply send appreciation and blessings to the world.

In my third eye,
At No1, already supportive energies are invited from somewhere,
At No2, some vital strong huge being can be seen,
At No3, energies are sublimated, turned into subtle, and overflowing,
At No4, much more subtle energies colored in pink and blue are rising

I'm ovseving clearing GRIDS around regularly, so, for readers of this blog, please mail me your feeling with your observing.
Here is my clearing GRIDS map, you can trace all.
The blue green marks are circles of 10 km radius, the purple marks are circles of 100 km radius, the red marks are circle of 1000 km radius.




No1 before clearing 
No2 after clearing 浄化結界設置後
No3 after clearing, being connected with other clearing grids 浄化結界設置後、他の結界と連結後
No4 after No3, connecting the GRID with Spica, the Virgo's fixed star 画像3のあとに乙女座の恒星スピカと結界を連結

#GRIDS #clearing #map #mapping #adventure #love #light #spaceclearing #spiritual #love #light #lightwork #lightworker #magic #miracle #gemstone #rosequartz #crystal #crystals #gold #fresh #pure #geometry #divine #divinegeometry #floweroflife #fruitsoflife #fruitoflife #seedoflife #circle #energeticclearing #energy #vibration #air #atmosphere #world #travelling #travel #heal #healing #healtheworld 

Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Plant 福島第2原子力発電所

2019.0321 14:18-14:27 Tokyo Time...

I've set a circle of 100km radius clearing grid on Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Plant for making the vibration higher.
After 2 hours waiting for the train at Iwaki station, I arrived Tomioka station.
I could see the sea from the window but this Jhoban line doesn't run the area in which we can see nuclear power plant.
And of course the general public can't come close to it physically.
The railroad line is discontinued temporarily, the traffic is restricted, and there is lodging prohibited area even the residents for the danger of the radiation dosage level.
Fortunately I'm an energy worker and I can purify that energy remotely from Tomioka station.
I gently visualized the clearing device(GRID) from 100km underground to the upper hight of 100km in the sky, and a circle of 100km radius on the horizon.
I wanted to measure how this GRID work affects physically with Geiger Muller Counter, but the Counter that I ordered to be delivered yesterday hadn't delivered, so I did without it.
I felt no dim or gloomy air.
I released and purified the thoughts, emotions, notions and entities within the reach of the clearing GRID  with light, penetrating the materials and heavy vibrations from finer level than atom.
Usually I copy the Himalayan crystal's energy and Rose quartz' energy, let them circulate within the reach of the GRID automatically.
At this time I added Virgo's fixed star Spica's energy with them.

In my third eye, the pics below seems:
At No1, many kinds of energies are in disorder
At No2, the energies are organized and became clearer
At No3, the strong light is filling the air
At No4, fine subtle lovely pink light is fulfilling and streaming the space.
I concentrate my consciousness on the grabella to see these pics.

I'm ovseving clearing GRIDS around regularly, so, for readers of this blog, please mail me your feeling with your observing.
Here is my clearing GRIDS map, you can trace all.
The blue green marks are circles of 10 km radius, the purple marks are circles of 100 km radius, the red marks are circle of 1000 km radius.




No1 before clearing 
No2 after clearing 浄化結界設置後
No3 after clearing, being connected with other clearing grids 浄化結界設置後、他の結界と連結後
No4 after No3, connecting the GRID with Spica, the Virgo's fixed star 画像3のあとに乙女座の恒星スピカと結界を連結

#GRIDS #clearing #map #mapping #adventure #love #light #spaceclearing #spiritual #love #light #lightwork #lightworker #magic #miracle #gemstone #rosequartz #crystal #crystals #gold #fresh #pure #geometry #divine #divinegeometry #floweroflife #fruitsoflife #fruitoflife #seedoflife #circle #energeticclearing #energy #vibration #air #atmosphere #world #travelling #travel #heal #healing #healtheworld 

Iwaki station いわき駅

2019.0321 12:25-12:41 Tokyo Time...

I've set a circle 100km radius clearing grid on Iwaki station for making the vibration higher.
Today is Vernal Equinox Day.
This is the brand new start day that the Sun passes through the vernal equinoctial point, moves from Pisces and enters Aries, and Akashic record disc, the universal memory storage, ascends to new helix of experiential realm.

On last year's Vernal Equinox it was spring cold stormy day, the rain hit me hardly, I went the shore in Chiba on which the sunrise ray lands on first in Japan and I carried the energy to the shrine with 3 hours walking on rayline.
This year, the intuition called me to Fukushima.
This place holds so many kinds of thought, prayer, healing energies from outside since 2011.
I felt no dull or dim air, and after I've set invisible clearing device (GRID) with visualizing as usual, connected with Virgo's fixed star Spica.
Vernal Equinox Point is a turning point and a slit of the space, it makes easier to invite the energies from outer space.
In my third eye, 
At No1, many kinds of energies are in disorder
At No2, the energies are organized and fine golden column stands
At No3, the column is strengthened and energies circulate powerfully
At No4, fine subtle lovely pink light is fulfilling the space.
The work effects perfectly, and I go to the next location.

I'm ovseving clearing GRIDS around regularly, so, for readers of this blog, please mail me your feeling with your observing.
Here is my clearing GRIDS map, you can trace all.
The blue green marks are circles of 10 km radius, the purple marks are circles of 100 km radius, the red marks are circle of 1000 km radius.




No1 before clearing 浄化結界設置前
No2 after clearing 浄化結界設置後
No3 after clearing, being connected with other clearing grids 浄化結界設置後、他の結界と連結後
No4 after No3, connecting the GRID with Spica, the Virgo's fixed star 画像3のあとに乙女座の恒星スピカと結界を連結

#GRIDS #clearing #map #mapping #adventure #love #light #spaceclearing #spiritual #love #light #lightwork #lightworker #magic #miracle #gemstone #rosequartz #crystal #crystals #gold #fresh #pure #geometry #divine #divinegeometry #floweroflife #fruitsoflife #fruitoflife #seedoflife #circle #energeticclearing #energy #vibration #air #atmosphere #world #travelling #travel #heal #healing #healtheworld 


Ninoy Akino International Airport 1 month later ニノイ・アキノ国際空港1ヶ月後

2019.0301 6:10-6:19 Manila Time...

I've set a circle of 1000km radius clearing grid on Ninoy Akino International Airport for making the vibration higher.

1 month has passed after the outward transit to the Bali, the clearing energy has permeated and infused , so I can see the obvious before-after change from the first setting of clearing GRID(picNo1+picNo2).
Please read the 1 month before post ↑and compare and see obvious difference of the pics taken from the plane's window.

I took these pics easily with iPhone7+, but they come out clearer than before.
I guess some people feel and smell  the dull air and atmosphere of the countries surging when they get off the plane.
And this time of getting off, I that kind of dense air and atmosphere which pressed me at first time has gone.
This second time I've set one more clearing GRID here.
The timing is just 6:00 AM early morning, the sunlight was pouring into the airport.
I design and exchange the location's vibration completely in clearing work, and I often experience the scene which is almost the same as the designed vibration.
I expect next time visiting will be clearer air and atmosphere much more!
Here, I describe.

I'm ovseving clearing GRIDS around regularly, so, for readers of this blog, please mail your feeling with your observing here.
Here is my clearing GRIDS map, you can trace all.
The blue green marks are circles of 10 km radius, the purple marks are circles of 100 km radius, the red marks are circle of 1000 km radius.




No1 1month later after clearing from plane 浄化後1ヶ月、飛行機内より
No2 1month later after clearing from airport 浄化後1ヶ月、空港より
No3 before clearing 浄化結界設置前
No4 after clearing 浄化結界設置後
No5 after clearing, being connected with other clearing grids 浄化結界設置後、他の結界と連結後

#GRIDS #clearing #map #mapping #adventure #love #light #spaceclearing#spiritual #lightwork #lightworker #magic #miracle #gemstone #rosequartz#crystal #crystals #gold #fresh #pure #geometry #divine #divinegeometry#floweroflife #fruitsoflife #fruitoflife #seedoflife #circle #energeticclearing#energy #vibration #air #atmosphere #world #travelling #travel #heal #healing #healtheworld #Bali #Kuta #Indonesia #hanomanstreet #Japan #clearing #GRID #worldhealing #gratitude #Iamgrateful